to my design gallery

my personal collection of the work I commission myself to do

Happy Collage, 2020
Digital Collage
a passion project during the height of COVID as a reminder of happiness

Pay Gap, 2018
3 page spread
feature story for award winning student magazine Distraction

The Little Things book art, 2020
book cover
inspired by value of the little things in life

MIXED media, 2018
mixed media (photography + gold foil)
an artistic study on family, race, and culture

Sneaker Art, 2021
illustrative collage

TayDesignedit IG Giveaway, 2021
collection of digital collages that I gave away during an Instagram giveaway promotion

Zine, 2020
Zine created with illustrations and powerful bible verses


Veer Catalog Layouts, 2021
collection of digital collages 
creating a balance of promoting stock photography and creating interesting collage art

DB Collage, 2020
digital collage for canvas

F*ck SNKRS, 2020
digital collage
in response to the frustration in sneakerheads all over with the impossible act of buying from the SNKRS app

Just Chillin, 2017
photo manipulation
created through my exploration of layering different photo manipulation techniques

Collection of Feature Newspaper Layouts, 2021


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